Ever wanting to expand your habit into money-making dream. Some most-wanted images are from these categories:
- Health and medical field - pictures of nurses, doctors, surgeons, medical equipments
- Business related photos - people conducting business, business environment, equipment, style, design, symbols, attributes ect.
- People in activities - Pictures of people doing something like dancing, working, playing sports, laughing, eating, driving, building, are very popular.
- Controversial issues - general politics, women, gender, sexuality, crime, religion, education, family, war, race, environment, poverty, wealth.
- Religious faith - symbols, activities, locations, actions, traditions, and food.
- Technology photos - lasers, fiber optics, equipment, digital chips, clean rooms,
- Different occupations - Delivery person, florist, dentist, doctor, nurse, construction worker, plumber, electrician, machinist, pilot, photographer, teacher, banker, salesman, receptionist, policeman, judge,
- Objects - everyday or strange objects depicting an idea or symbolic of an activity. Objects like sun glasses, keys, money, sticky notes, baseball, or engine piston. These items should be captured on plain white or black seamless backgrounds.
- Close up shots - macro or close up shots of objects or people.
- Under water photos - photos of underwater sea creatures, ocean topography, scuba diving, snorkeling
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