The average household spends upto 9% of their annual energy bills on lighting. See below for some tips on energy efficient lighting.
- Make the most out of natural light
- Use energy efficient lights: CFLs use 80% less energy and last around 10 times longer. Each CFL can save up to $20 per year and standard halogen globes use 30% less energy and last twice as long. Each globe can save up to $7 per year
- Select the right light for the space
- Turn off lights: 26% of people leave lights on all evening in unoccupied rooms
Standby power and lifestyle appliances
Standby power and lifestyle appliances make up to 10% of household energy use, or over $100 per year on energy bills. See below for some tips on reducing your energy use.
- Home office and entertainment appliances are the worst offenders, with 65% of people turning off the TV with the remote, and 28% never switching off their computer
- Make sure you turn off appliances like your TV, gaming consoles, computer and printer off at the wall rather than leaving them in standby mode and save up to $80 per year
- Program the computer to have a blank screen when idle as screensavers will not reduce energy use of computer monitors – screen savers are not energy savers
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