I saw a great article today and like to share it with everyone. Hope you enjoy it. Extracted from The Office, The Age : It is NOT acceptable to be sending business emails at 11.52pm. Ever. Perhaps it’s job insecurity or perhaps some people just feel validated by compulsively pressing the send button but I for one have had enough and would like to formalise the hours in which we’re emailing before we all go insane. It’s Darwinism at its finest. Survival of the fittest is no longer about who’s the last one blearily staring at their screen in the office at night. It’s about who’s last to send an email. What better way to show the boss how hard you’re working – just CC the boss in on an email to a major client at 1am – hello pay rise! No one knows you watched MasterChef and Grey’s Anatomy , called your friend in New York on Skype, took a bubble bath and then composed an “urgent” email just before bed. It’s genius, right?